Adaptive Leadership Deep Dive
Service Description
If you choose to submit a donation, you may donate anytime by choosing INVEST at the top of the page. This process will register you for a Masterclass without entering a payment method. The Harvard-designed Outrage to Action: Adaptive Leadership and Change Management Masterclass equips current and emerging leaders with the mindset, frameworks, and tools to navigate uncertainty and lead systemic change on critical development and community challenges. This 3 hour Masterclass dives deep into the uncertainty of change and helps participants challenge current notions of leadership and how to create sustainable change. The transformative training will cover leadership frameworks including: applied system thinking, adaptive leadership, authentic leadership, problem diagnostics, change management, behavioral insights, behavioral economics, challenging assumptions, and building strategic partnerships. The LIVE coaching Masterclass is offered on an ongoing basis until the end of 2021. The class is offered free of charge to help ensure it is open and accessible to all. If you are able, please do make a donation to support our trainers, offset our costs and help us expand our work.
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